Thirty Years of Education and Innovation!
It started with the birth of a baby with hemophilia, then a book… and a company was born. Thirty years ago I founded LA Kelley Communications to meet the need for information about hemophilia from a parent’s point of view. In 1990, there was no book on hemophilia to help parents master raising a child, no newsletter geared towards them, written by parents, no children’s books about hemophilia, and of course, no internet, social media… heck, we didn’t even have cell phones!
We were all pretty isolated, and the national community was busy battling the drug companies and government about the HIV scandal. I decided to create the educational materials I needed, and share them with other families. And we’ve been doing that ever since!
Next week I’ll share the actually beginnings of our company and work, but for now, did you know we hav a long list of firsts in the bleeding disorder community? They are listed below…. and all of our sponsored books and newsletters are free to families… and they always have been for 30 years. Congratulations to us!
We provided the:
• First patient-run hemophilia consultants (1990)
• First US hemophilia parenting book (1990)
• First VWD Book (2004)
• First parenting/consumer newsletter (1990)
• First children’s books (1992)
• First and only book on inhibitors (2002)
• First quarterly e-newsletter (2000)
• First dedicated blog: HemaBlog (2006)
• First leadership training programs (1996)
• First direct-to-consumer marketing (1996)
• First private international factor donation program (1996)
Next week: How it all began!