
Keep Your Lower Extremity Joints Moving!

Michael Zolotnitsky, PT, DPT Editor’s note: I’ve been doing a lot of hiking in the mountains lately, and my quads and joints are feeling it! I do basic exercises to keep them in shape. Below, Mike shares what you can do to keep your joints supple and strong. The pandemic impacted everyone’s life in 2020,

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Considering Long-Term Health in Your 20s

Kevin Correa By the time teens with hemophilia transition into their 20s, ideally they’ve built a firm foundation on which to manage their disorder. Among many skills, young adults should be able to self-infuse and negotiate health insurance. But when you’re healthy and your hemophilia is under control, it’s easy to overlook general health maintenance

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What Kind of Leadership Matters Most When?

Leadership is an endlessly fascinating topic and one that is never more important now in the United States. The US is facing a critical leadership challenge this year, with a situation it has never encountered before. And it’s interesting when comparing leaders in government to leaders in the hemophilia community. Because this past year, we’ve

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Did the Princess have VWD?

School’s out! When I remember summer days as a child, I recall being outdoors, riding my bike, taking walks in the wood, playing with my siblings… and reading. While we all get assigned summer reading lists for school, I truly enjoyed reading and would devour anything I could. Most of us hear “fairy tales” as

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Achieving Dreams in the Philippines

Two weeks ago we told the story of a mother in Madagascar with two boys with hemophilia, and the challenges she faces. This week we look at what happens with assistance, when those challenges are met head on with help from the national hemophilia organization with international help. Meet Reinniel and be inspired! Breaking Barriers,

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Maggots: A Treatment of Hemophilia?

I’ve been doing a lot of gardening this spring, and have come across helpful and lowly creatures like snails, earthworms and spiders. This got me thinking of other helpful creatures, like… maggots. I detest flies with all my heart. But I realize that maggots—the larva form of flies—have had many uses to both animals and

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