By Catherine Canade
Coalition for Hemophilia B Health and Wellness Coach
‘Tis the season for family, fun, and stress. This year, give yourself the gift of wellness by using strategies to reduce stress, strengthen family connections, and truly enjoy the holidays. As the holidays approach, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, so it’s important to embrace these wellness tips for a stress-free season.
(1) Practice Open Communication: Be Intentional
Find the time to talk as a family about the holiday stressors and how you want to address them when they come up. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment. Set realistic goals and expectations to help minimize stress. Practice gratitude and contribute to your community.
(2) Make Time For Time Management: Quiet Your Calendar
Create a holiday schedule that allows for balance between work, family, and relaxation. Introducing time management to a hectic schedule can help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. The holiday season rarely goes as planned, so have a flexible mindset’ No matter what the celebration looks like, connect it to the bigger reason for the season. Make time for what you love that brings you joy and happiness.
(3) Establish Boundaries: Unplug From Work
Set healthy boundaries by limiting the time you spend with extended family, friends, and holiday gatherings. Creating a budget for financial stress is common during the holidays. Focus on the meaning and values of this time of year rather than just the material aspects. This can help shift the emphasis away from consumerism and reduce stress.
(4) Resolve Conflict: Share Responsibilities
Conflict often arises when you’re Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Use the HALT acronym to check in with yourself, Addressing these needs helps you manage holiday stress more effectively. Healthy coping strategies include deep breathing, mindfulness.journaling, exercise, music, and connecting with others.
(5) Maintain Traditions: Prioritize Your Own Peace
Establish and uphold meaningful rituals and traditions to bring a sense of continuity and comfort during the holidays. Perfectionism can lead to unnecessary stress. Normalizing imperfection reminds you that no holiday season is perfect, and it’s okay to have some spontaneity and unexpected surprises. Honor those who aren’t here by cherishing the fond memories you’ve made together.
(6) Respond With Kindness
While you can’t control how others act during the holidays, you can choose your own response. Be kind to yourself-practice self-care and self-love. It’s okay to take a break or say no to social events. Focus on what truly matters to you this season. Remember the “ME” in MERRY’
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