
Off to NHF in Chicago

This week is National Hemophilia Foundation’s 63 Annual meeting, so I am off to Chicago Tuesday to meet with many old friends and colleagues. These include patients (some of whom I’ve known since infancy and who are now in college!), parents, home care reps, pharmaceutical reps, hemophilia organization leaders, and more. It’s always a great event!

NHF expects probably 2,000-3,000 people to attend.

I hope to post during the week about what we hear and see.

One thing on everyone’s mind is reimbursement. With the new Affordable Care Act, so much has changed and is changing. We need to learn all we can at meetings like this to prepare for unexpected costs, and changes in health care delivery. One thing is certain: the hemophilia industry as we know it is permanently changing. And change may come faster than we think.

To start learning about current changes in reimbursement, start reading!

A great place to start? CSL Behring’s latest Key Issues Dialogue focuses on diminished access to care for people with rare diseases via interviews with our nation’s top specialists and advocates for people with chronic disorders.

Book I Just Read
Managing the Nonprofit
Peter Drucker

Drucker is considered a business guru, though this book, published in 1990, is a bit outdated. It’s a quick read, and loaded with nutritious food for thought. Drucker defines how nonprofits are different than for-profits, and was one of the early oracles to say that nonprofits need to think and operate like businesses. And leadership is key! He gives great synopsis of what effective leadership is. One I love and still use: “The most important way to develop someone is to use them as teachers.” And I live by: “Don’t guess, go ask.” Too many business people fail when they assume. This book is short, can be read in one sitting, but gives you hours of materials to think on. Three stars.

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