L.A. Aguayo
Overcoming depression and getting out of a rut seems to be major topics in the hemophilia and chronic disorder community. These are topics dear to my heart —I’ve spent years battling myself, my life, my thoughts, and my setbacks.
What helped me overcome depression? The thought if I can overcome it and eventually help other people, then the journey would be worth it. I started this journey ten years ago and the goal was to document how I went through adversity and overcoming depression. What worked? What didn’t work?
Today I want to talk about priming your day for success. I found that having a consistent routine that focuses on positivity, thankfulness, meditating, and envisioning your ideal life can greatly impact the entire day. With continued practice, each day that you win stacks up and creates so much momentum that you start to dig yourself out of the rut. You have to do this while trusting the process and having a long game result in mind. No instant gratification mindset. This is for you. This is for those you love. This is for your reason why. It’s not supposed to be easy or convenient but it’s worth it.
Here are 6 practical tips:
- Write down everything you’re grateful for and read them out loud as well. When you write down something, take time to let it sink in. Don’t just skip to the next thing. (For example, if you’re thankful for family, take a few moments to envision and feel what that really is. Paint a picture and memories in your head. Paint the happiest image you can of the future with family.)
- Write down who you were in the past and who you aspire to be. What changes need to be made today so that you can get one step closer to being that person.
- Have a list of affirmations that you read out loud declaring who you are. Even if you have yet to achieve it, still declare it.
- Remind yourself of all the things you have overcome so far in life. Write it down and read it daily.
- Understand that happiness is an emotion— not an action or destination. Choose happiness today.
- Stop being afraid of your own thoughts. Address them and search for the meaning or the root cause. Then take accountability for your own happiness. Forgive and grow.
And follow my journey as I continue to share advice from the front lines.
L.A. Aguayo has hemophilia, and is a bodybuilder and motivator. He is also author of Adversity =Opportunity: Finding Purpose in the Pain, available on Amazon.
Follow him on Facebook and on other social media platforms.