
Our Own Academy Awards

The Academy Awards was Hollywood’s big event last night but this coming weekend is one of our own big events in hemophilia: the annual Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) meeting, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We won’t have Versace gowns and bling, but we certainly have an all star cast and some great shows. It’s casual but energetic, electric with advocacy issues, medical news and networking. It’s smaller than NHF meetings, which creates a more intimate atmosphere; it’s less like a red carpet event and more like a family reunion.

The HFA does important work in advocacy, particularly around the issues of product and provider choice. Check out their website at www.hemophiliafed.org. Sign up for their newsletter; check out their programs. I met with a pharmaceutical representative recently who is new to our community; this will be his first hemophilia event. I told him he was in for a treat. I myself will not be attending this year. If you do not attend either, at least tune in to read about the event on the HFA website or in their magazine, and see who is best director, best program, best advocate!

PS. “The Departed” was most certainly best movie of the year… and it’s set in Boston! You have to love those accents.

2 thoughts on “Our Own Academy Awards”

  1. Take part in an online discussion on haemophilia


    We at The Patient Connection are currently running a research blog or online discussion on the subject of haemophilia

    In particular we are interested in haemophilia as a genetic/family condition and any thoughts you might have about gene therapy

    Apart from that we would love it if you could share your story or just post useful resources for fellow sufferers.

    If you would like to join us please go to


    Thanks and remember your opinion counts

    Best wishes


    PS The link will give you an option to join our formal research community and participate in research into the opinions of the haemophilia community later on in the year.

  2. Take part in an online discussion on haemophilia


    We at The Patient Connection are currently running a research blog or online discussion on the subject of haemophilia

    In particular we are interested in haemophilia as a genetic/family condition and any thoughts you might have about gene therapy

    Apart from that we would love it if you could share your story or just post useful resources for fellow sufferers.

    If you would like to join us please go to


    Thanks and remember your opinion counts

    Best wishes


    PS The link will give you an option to join our formal research community and participate in research into the opinions of the haemophilia community later on in the year.


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